Allen Carr's Easyway : La méthode efficace pour arrêter de fumer

Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking est une méthode d'arrêt du tabac basée sur une approche psychologique. Elle vise à aider les fumeurs à se libérer de leur dépendance à la nicotine de manière durable.
Où l’obtenir
Disponible sous forme de livre, de séances de groupe et de séances individuelles dans certains pays.
Applicable pour
Allen Carr
Approche psychologique pour changer la perception du tabac
Livre, séances de groupe, séances individuelles
Aider les fumeurs à arrêter de fumer durablement
Méthode sans jugement, sans privation, sans substituts nicotiniques
Posté par Dr. Angela Bonato, révisé par Dr. Amélie Gavard

FAQ sur Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking

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What is Allen Carr's Easyway?

Allen Carr’s Easyway – the easy way to stop Smoking! British Allen Carr developed the Easyway method: In July 1983, after uncountable unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking, Allen Carr, who had been a chain smoker for many years, found a way how to stop smoking from one day to the next.

How has Allen Carr's Easyway method helped millions of smokers quit smoking?

It has helped millions of smokers from all over the world to quit. In the Easy Way for Women to Quit Drinking, Allen Carr's Easyway method has been applied to problem drinking for women- acknowledging that women who want to stop drinking face particular difficulties- and tailored to their needs.

What is Allen Carr's easy way to quit smoking?

One of the books that became very successful due to its amazing and helpful content is Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Allen Carr centers are working day and night to help people quit smoking and rehabilitate them in their lives. You can join any of their centers to keep yourself away from this evil.

Is Allen Carr a good book to quit smoking?

The best-selling Allen Carr's Easyway: The only quit smoking book you'll need. First published in 1985, Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking has been translated into over thirty languages and has been a #1 bestseller in ten countries, including the UK, Ireland, Russia, Italy, Holland and Germany. Can you really quit smoking with a book?

Références sur Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking

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