Livres de thérapie cognitivo-comportementale - Apprenez à reprogrammer votre esprit
FAQ sur Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Books
What is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a tool that therapists use to aid clients in reducing the thoughts that lead to maladaptive behaviors. In its simplest form, the concept is to identify unhelpful thoughts and learn to reframe them in a way that leads to more positive outcomes.
What is a CBT book?
In its simplest form, the concept is to identify unhelpful thoughts and learn to reframe them in a way that leads to more positive outcomes. In recent years, hundreds of books have been published on CBT, many written for individuals who are not clinicians. How do you decide which is best?
What is the best book on cognitive behavior therapy?
Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond is a classic resource for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of CBT. The text provides a well-organized and insightful overview of CBT principles and techniques. This third edition incorporates the latest advancements in the field, making it an up-to-date and relevant guide.
What's new in cognitive behaviour therapy?
This bestselling guide to the basic theory, skills and applications of cognitive behaviour therapy is fully updated to reflect recent developments in CBT theory. It includes in-depth material on working with diversity, and new case studies and exercises to help you reflect and explore how theory can be used to develop effective practice.
Références sur Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Books
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