Huile de poisson Nordic Naturals : des oméga-3 de qualité

L'huile de poisson Nordic Naturals est une source riche en acides gras oméga-3, notamment l'EPA et le DHA, qui jouent un rôle essentiel dans la santé cardiovasculaire et le fonctionnement cérébral. Ce supplément est fabriqué à partir de poissons sauvages de haute qualité.
Supplément alimentaire
Où l’obtenir
Disponible en pharmacie, en parapharmacie et en ligne.
Teneur en oméga-3
poissons sauvages
Posté par Dr. Angela Bonato, révisé par Dr. Amélie Gavard

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What is Nordic Naturals fish oil?

Essential nutrients for optimal health. Nordic Naturals fish oil products are made using fresh, wild-caught fish to deliver re-esterified triglyceride-form and triglyceride-form omega-3s for better absorption.+ Our products are non-GMO and third-party tested, meeting or exceeding the strictest international standards for purity and freshness.

Are Nordic Naturals fish oils Fos certified?

Nordic Naturals fish oils are Friend of the Sea (FOS) certified. We obsessively test every product lot to ensure we meet or exceed the strictest purity standards for environmental toxins and contaminants. See for yourself. Ultimate Omega® delivers the #1 omega-3 in the U.S.—for heart, brain, and wellness support.*

Why are Nordic Naturals fish oil products so effective?

One of the reasons Nordic Naturals’ fish oil products have such high potency is because they are in triglyceride form—the natural form that the fat is found in the fish—which our bodies can better recognize and absorb. This is in contrast to many other fish oil supplements on the market, which are found in “ethyl ester” form.

Are Nordic Naturals fish oil supplements worth the cost?

Value A While there are hundreds of fish oil products to choose from, Nordic Naturals has claimed the #1 brand ranking for good reasons, making their pricier supplements worth the cost in our book.

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