Campagnes de sensibilisation au cancer des testicules - Informations et ressources

Les campagnes de sensibilisation au cancer des testicules visent à informer le public sur les signes et les symptômes de cette forme de cancer, afin de permettre un dépistage et un traitement précoces. Elles encouragent également les hommes à consulter régulièrement pour un examen de routine.
Où l’obtenir
Informations et ressources disponibles auprès d'associations de lutte contre le cancer et sur des sites web dédiés.
Sensibiliser le public au cancer des testicules
Informations, événements, dépistage
Groupes cibles
Hommes, professionnels de santé
Associations, hôpitaux, médias
Dépistage précoce, prise en charge améliorée
Posté par Dr. Angela Bonato, révisé par Dr. Amélie Gavard

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Who is testicular cancer awareness foundation?

we are proud to be the leading testicular cancer organization since 2009 Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation is a non-profit organization, compassionately dedicated to raise awareness and educate the general public about the most common form of cancer in men ages 15-44.

What is testicular cancer awareness foundation (TCAF)?

TCAF provides lifesaving, valuable support for patients, survivors and caregivers. Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation strives to encourage early detection through the practice of monthly self-exams and remove the stigma and taboo associated with testicular cancer.

How can we improve men's awareness of testicular cancer screening?

The majority of the reviewed interventions successfully enhanced men's awareness of TC and its screening and increased their intentions to perform testicular self-examination. Examples include videos about TC, shower gel sachets, stickers, and posters, a television show, a university campaign, and high self-efficacy messages about TC screening.

Can nurses promote testicular cancer awareness and screening?

Promoting Testicular Cancer Awareness and Screening: A Systematic Review of Interventions Given the controversy that surrounds TC screening, nurses can play a key role in increasing men's awareness of TC rather than advising periodical TC self-examination.

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